Saturday, May 30, 2015

Components of Comprehension - Hokey Pokey

Chapter: Kiki

Title: Kiki Chapter in Hokey Pokey

I know (literal)
Wall is five spits long
Kiki bounces balls off of the wall
Kiki and Jack are friends
They are playing baseball or training or practicing
Jack is training the kid or is older
Weeds and scraggily bushes against the wall
Jack is inquisitive or wise about the game beyond the sport
Jack is thoughtful of the Kid’s feelings
Jack replaces the kid’s glove with his own

I wonder (questions)
Who is Jack?
What does Hokey Pokey mean?
How long is a spit?
Why is he listing things?
What is an evil hissing dust ripper?
What is frog-eyed terrified?
Why are they playing baseball or practicing?
What happened to the ball?

I hear (key)
Descriptive words of actions
The Kid
Minute by minute description of the scene and actions
S Alliteration

I believe (inference)
Something unexpected will happen
The kid will become a great player
I believe the kid is being pushed to be the best
Jack will make the kid cry
The “lesson” conversation between Jack and Kiki was more about Jack’s inner issues

I feel (emotions)
Anxiety for the kid
In trouble

I see (imagery)
I see two kids playing in a large field with high grass and bushes. There is a nostalgic, tall, enormous wall along the field. I see a taller and older kid at a distance throwing a ball to a smaller, younger kid. The younger child has a brightness to their eyes and an eagerness to please in every step. The older child looks somewhat bored of the game.

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