Sunday, June 28, 2015

Crash--Character Penn Webb

Character Element
Quotes (Find Quotes in Support of and Quotes Challenging)
What Do These Things Suggest about Character’s Character?
Direct Characterization
    -These are things stated by author directly (e.g., she was shy)

"Only he wasn't just walking regular. He was walking like he owned the place"p.19

Penn is a confident young man and he never allows what other people say or do to him change how he feels about himself.
Indirect Characterization

    -Through description (appearance/mannerisms)-
"It was coming from a funny-looking dorky little runt walking up the side walk" p.19

"He stuck out his scrawny chest"p.20

"It was Webb--and I mean the same old Webb. Same old supermarket sneakers, same prehistoric pants, probably from the great grandfather of his. Same old scrawny body."p.59

Penn is a skinny, small and nerdy looking child.

Penn does not value material things and is not concerned with buying new and expensive clothing. He is content with buying his clothes from second time around. 
    - Through actions/inactions (what actions does the character perform; what does s/he choose not to do?)

"I aimed again and fired. He still didn't move. This is crazy. Whoever heard of a kid who didn't shoot back?"p.35

"And then they show the looneytunes: Webb and Forbes, a couple of other students.... They're all standing at the entrance to the weed field, waving their signs and chanting, 'No more malls!"p.147

Penn chooses to always remain calm and take the high road. He does not get angry or upset when Crash bullies him.

Penn stands up for what he believes in and fights to protect the earth.
    -Through comments of others (how do other characters speak about the character?)

"'He's nice, Abby butted in. 'I like him''"p.77

"how alike Webb and my sister are. Especially with nature stuff. They go walking his turtle together. it shows how immature he is, hanging out with a fifth grader. And they're both perky" p.77

"Penn Webb is my best friend" p.241

Everyone seems  to really like Penn except for Crash. Abby and Jane especially look up to him.

At the end of the book, Crash realizes that Penn is a true friend and notes that Penn is now his best friend.

     -Through language (how does the character use language, including about how s/he speaks about others)

"I'm a Quaker" p.32

"We don't eat meat" p.45

Penn is a vegetarian and a Quaker who does not believe in violence.

     -Through interactions (how does character interact with others [bidirectional], with space/setting, etc.)

"He gave them buttons. He kept offering them to me"p.53

Penn is very kind and generous. He likes to share his buttons with others.
    -Through thoughts (what thoughts does that character have that may not be indicated through action/behavior?)

I believe that the best gift I can give my grandfather would be for him to see me run in the Penn Relays. That is why I have been practicing my running every night" p.204

Penn has a good heart and is planning on running in the Penn Relays to honor his grandfather. No one knows the reasoning behind him wanting to get the last spot so badly.

     -Through figurative language (how does the author use figurative language to describe the character—this isn’t direct as it requires inference)
"Webb gawked at his mother. His eyes bulged. A pained look came over his face. 'oops.. I think I forgot' 'Forgot what?' I said "You didn't really forget, did you son?' the father said. Webb looked sheepish. 'I guess not'"
From this scene you can tell that Webb was ashamed to tell Crash he was a vegetarian.

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